Afraid to make waves over climate change?

quote - “Afraid to make waves over climate change?” – Lisa Layden

Whether you believe climate change is a natural occurrence, human-made or a combination, it is clear that the weather is changing in this version of reality we are creating and experiencing.

To turn a blind eye and to continue on our current trajectory will result in an outcome that is becoming more and more abundantly clear and it is a future that will have a negative impact on many, many people and lifeforms.

If we are to change this outcome, we need to align ourselves with actions that will create a new trajectory. A trajectory that will minimize and ideally reverse any of the impacts of our past, present, and future.

This alignment is not something that is the responsibility of others; leaders; etc. It is all of our responsibility. There is no ‘them’ or ‘us’. We are all individually and collectively creating our reality and because of this, it is up to all of us, individually and collectively to make different choices; to take different actions.

By looking at how our individual actions, including the seemingly small and insignificant ALL contribute to the reality and the trajectory of our future.

For example:

  • When you drink water, do you choose to use one-use plastic bottles or glass?

  • When walking is an option, do you walk or drive?

  • When you purchase clothing, do you purchase man-made materials or natural fibres?

The choices/actions you are making are contributing to a particular trajectory that either creates a reality of sustainability or one that is not.

What reality are you choosing to create with your actions?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.

Afraid to make waves over climate change?
— Lisa Layden

To believe you are alone is to believe in the illusion of separateness.


Awake and frustrated? – seeing the perfection