A Sign from an Unlikely Source
Every day, we make countless decisions. From what can appear to be small and insignificant decisions, to large and potentially life-changing decisions.
Making decisions is a part of life here on planet Earth and for the most part, we like to figure out and be in charge of our own decisions. However, internal conflict can arise when we become unsure about whether a decision we have made or are about to make is going to be the right decision.
When uncertainty comes into play, our mind can get caught up in what seems like an endless loop of “should I / shouldn’t I” mental conversations which can lead to even more uncertainty and indecision (which in itself is a decision but we’ll save that conversation for another day ).
We may ask family/friends for their input. We may not. While this input can be helpful it can at times complicate things even more. Although they may have the best of intentions, it can be difficult for others to provide input without the influence of their own subconscious beliefs and mindsets. Their input can end up feeding your endless “should I / shouldn’t I” loop.
But what if there was another place to turn to for signs and guidance on whether you are making or have made the right decision; guidance that would provide clarity and stop the endless mental loop?
There is.
One great place to turn to is nature. I wrote about this in my last post.
Yet messages of wisdom and guidance are not limited to nature alone.
Signs and guidance meant to help us along our journey are everywhere if we choose to see them. That includes some unlikely sources.
Here’s an example of an unlikely source:
Earlier this year my husband and I put our home up for sale. It was a bit of a bold step as our new home was nowhere near ready, yet the timing felt right.
Almost right away prospective buyers came through, but we did not receive any offers.
While I knew the Real Estate market had changed and what we were experiencing was normal for the market, I was still feeling a little puzzled when a week passed without receiving any offers.
I knew the date we listed our home was the right date and the intended family for our home was out there yet despite knowing that, I began to question if we should have listed the house earlier when the market was hot.
That’s when the Mercedes vehicles started to appear.
I first noticed them when I would glance over at the opposing traffic while traveling along a divided parkway. Each time I looked in that direction, the first vehicle in the line would be a black Mercedes.
At the time, I thought to myself, “That’s interesting. I don’t remember seeing many Mercedes around here before.” In fact, it was not a common occurrence at all on the roads I typically travel.
Then it expanded. Before I knew it, I was seeing black Mercedes vehicles at every turn! Where before I was seeing them first in line in opposing traffic, now I was seeing them in front, beside and behind me while driving AND when walking!
Now I understand that our brain thrives on patterns and as such we tend to see more of what we observe, but this was a crazy amount of black Mercedes.
I knew this wasn’t just about my brain pattern matching.
It was a sign; a message in response to my question.
I knew everything was going to work out just fine with the sale of the house.
How did I know?
Well for me a Mercedes represents wealth, class and freedom. Black represents being grounded.
Did I still have a few anxious moments related to selling the house? Absolutely, but the Mercedes sightings continued to remind me everything was going to work out.
Sure enough, our house sold to the exact family it was intended for.
The funny thing is the Mercedes sightings didn’t end with the selling of our home.
Right after the offer was signed, I was out driving again and just like before I was seeing many, many Mercedes in my experience.
But this time, they were no longer black.
The Mercedes I saw were now all white!
Why white?
For me, white represents freedom, lightness, and love.
How about you?
Have you had a similar experience? I’d love to hear about it.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.