What’s a weed?


When I was in grade 1 or 2, the school teacher took our class on an outdoor trip through a huge field near the school.

In that field, we saw lots of different grasses, flowers, wild bushes, etc. I remember looking at and smelling so many pretty flowers of all shapes, size, and colour.

I wanted to know what every flower was and one flower in particular, but I was extremely shy at the time so it took me a long time to ask my teacher a question.

When I finally got up the confidence to ask her, she told me the name.

I said, “I think it would look pretty in a garden.”

She let me know the plant was considered a weed but I will never forget the message in what she said right after that.

She asked me, “What do you think a weed is Lisa?”

I likely said something like, “a dandelion”.

She responded with, “a weed is only something you do not want in your garden”.

It’s been almost 50 years since my teacher spoke those words of wisdom and I have never forgotten them.

Those words were a guiding signpost and gift that has helped me many, many times in my life.

In those few words, my teacher was saying

  • it is okay to be my own person,

  • to know there is more to life than meets the eye,

  • to see the beauty in the world and,

  • to nurture my soul.

I am forever thankful to her.

How about you?

Have you had someone say a few simple words to you that were true words of inspiring wisdom for you?

Do you see the beauty in a dandelion as well as a prized rose?

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


Be still and let go of the need to control everything.


If you believe something will be hard, it will be.