What would you scream?
In a moment, I’m going to ask you to answer a question and further down a second question.
(Please don’t scroll down yet, as it won’t have the same impact for you if you do.)
As soon as you read the first question, I would like you to say aloud to yourself the first thing that comes into your mind.
Don’t filter it. Just let it come through. Say it as it is. It doesn’t have to be perfect, pretty, polished, etc.
My question for you is…
“If you had one chance to tell every person in the world one thing and only one thing, what would it be?”
What is that one thing you would scream from the top of a rooftop; the top of the tallest mountain, so everyone in the world could hear it?
What would that be?
What would your one message to the world be?
When you are ready to continue, please scroll down…
What was that one thing; that one message that came up for you?
For example, maybe your message was:
“Everybody, get along with each other”
“Stop ruining our world”
“Stop poverty”
“Get an education”
“Take care of your body”
“Live your dream”
“Stop killing each other”
“Take time to play each day”
“Love what you do for a living”
It could be any number of things.
Now, my next question for you is…..
Why would what you said above, be the one thing that you would say to everyone in the world?
What is the reason behind your message?
Don’t filter your answer. Just let the ‘why’ come through without judgement, logical reasoning, worrying about saying it correctly, etc.
There is a reason why you chose that one message over any other message.
Ask yourself why and answer from your heart.
When you are ready to continue, please scroll down…
How did you make out?
Do you have one message you would share with the world?
Do you know the ‘why’ behind why you would say that one thing?
If the answer you get back is “I don’t know” to one or both questions, know that there’s something underneath that “I don’t know”. The “I don’t know” response is a response of your mind. Go within and ask your heart; ask your inner-self.
Also, don’t worry if the one message and/or the ‘why’ doesn’t come up right away. It may be something that will come to the surface when you least expect it (usually when the mind is quiet). It may even come to you through your dreams or a song. Something will trigger your one message and/or ‘why’ to surface when the time is right.
The message in the Why
The ‘why’ behind your message is important.
That ‘why’ is the why; the reason behind your message.
Asking yourself for the ‘why’ behind your message and quite likely the ‘why’ behind that ‘why’,(and maybe a few more why’s ) is something that can help you if you are looking to unearth your Big-Why/Inner-Purpose for being here in this lifetime.
I hope you found these questions fun and unearthing for you.
If you would like to share, I would love to know what came up for you.
‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.