What an ant can teach you about realizing your dream

What an ant can teach you about realizing your dream…..

“Nature is a never-ending source of wisdom and guidance when you tune into it.” - Lisa Layden

Including nature in the form of what can often be considered small and insignificant, but once you re-remember that nothing is small and insignificant; that everything has a purpose, you will learn to connect and see the messages in everything.

Yesterday was a perfect example which I hope will help you as you learn to create your life with conscious intention and turn your dreams into your reality…..

I was staring at what I was determined would be the article for the e-zine you have opened today, but I was struggling to put together an intro for it. It wasn’t coming together no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I played with the wording.

I know when I experience struggle, my Inner-Self/Source/God/Universe is trying to tell me I am out of alignment and I have learned to listen to this guidance.

So, I let go of my need to struggle, my need to force an article that wasn’t meant to be and I headed to the sanctuary of my backyard for a while to enjoy the beauty of the day, to get clear and to connect with infinite wisdom.

That wisdom came through via a lone ant…..

While sitting quietly enjoying my surroundings, I looked down and saw a large black ant.

There were no other ants around and it was not the first time I had seen what I will assume was the same lone ant.

This time, he was struggling to carry a very large dead insect.

I say struggling because he could barely move and when he did, he switched between trying to carry the insect in front of him, to pulling the insect while he moved backward, and in other times just going in jagged circular movements.

He wasn’t getting anywhere fast and appeared to have no sense of direction as he went back and forth, this way and that way across several feet of the patio, but he was determined, to say the least.

He had an end goal to meet and there was nothing that was going to stop him. Not even the cracks in the patio that was bigger than he was or the dirt he inadvertently ran into more than once along the way.

Watching this scene unfold, I became aware of the wisdom and guidance he was sharing with me around turning dreams into reality.

Here are 5 takeaways:

  1. Hold steady and don’t give up on your dreams.

  2. Dream big….the prize is worth it.

  3. Ask for help and guidance to help you when times get tough.

  4. If the path to your dream is nothing but struggle, maybe it’s time to re-look at it to see if it is a dream of the ego instead of a dream of your inner-self.

  5. Sometimes the biggest dreams have lots of steps and detours along the way.

How about you?

What teachings, wisdom, and guidance have you learned by connecting with nature? I’d love to hear about your experience.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


It is our belief that we are separate that creates the illusion of separation.


Be still and let go of the need to control everything.