Realigning In 2016

Ground view of railway line.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with time off to spend with family and friends, enjoy some R&R and you are looking forward to a fantastic 2016.

I took some time off myself over the holiday season and I am so glad I did.

Over the past while, I had become a tad out of alignment with my inner-self and the core ‘Why’ of my Big-Why (Inner-Purpose) and I knew it.

When I am out of alignment with one or both, I don’t feel right physically, emotionally and spiritually. I feel disconnected from Source, life becomes hard as all kinds of obstacles come into my path, and tasks related to spreading the message of my Big-Why become difficult or near impossible to accomplish.

Having that time off the grid allowed me to reconnect and realign to Source, my inner-self and the core ‘Why’ of my Big-Why.

I am back to feeling on purpose and in alignment.

What does that mean for you?

While I’ll share more of this with you over the next while, I will be honing my message more and more to align with the core ‘Why’ in order to provide even more value to you and to help create a global shift in human consciousness.

In many ways, it will be a subtle shift and will feel familiar to you. For some, it may not and that’s okay. We are each on our own path.

How about you?

What will 2016 be about for you? What will you align with?

If you’d like to, please feel free to share your thoughts for 2016 with me by replying to this email. I’d love to hear what you are aligning with.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


Believe in the power of your creative intention.


Forgiveness is not about freeing the other person, it is about freeing yourself.