Are you growing in circles?

Circular wall decoration.

While I was out for a walk one day, I came across a tree within a thicket of other trees and brush. It caught my eye because the top portion of the trunk was bent over and it looked like it was beginning to grow in a circle. I could not see anything that would prevent the tree from growing higher, yet there it was bent over.

It was as if the tree was holding itself back from growing to its full potential; a self-imposed glass ceiling of sorts.

As soon as I saw it, it made me think of how people can grow in circles too and like the tree, not reach their full potential.

People who grow in circles come from all walks of life and all situations.

They may have lived a charmed life or a life of struggle but in either case, they limit their growth to what they have already learned and experienced in life. Whether their experiences are good, bad or a mix, the experiences are comfortable and familiar. They may believe they are growing because the people and situations in their life may change (giving the illusion of growth), but the experience ‘pattern’ does not change.

As a result, they experience life like the tree; growing to a certain point and then not reaching any further. Instead, they just keep going around and around the same things in life over again.



They do this because deep down they are afraid.

They don’t look to expand their world because deep down they are afraid of losing what they already have and what they already know.

Until they recognize that fear is holding them back, they will continue to grow in circles.

How about you?

Do you see yourself in the tree? Are you growing or are you just going around in circles? Are you opening up to different experiences? Are you afraid to grow out of fear of having to lose something you have in your current situation? Are you afraid to grow out of fear that new growth might mean new responsibilities?

If yes, you are holding yourself back and you are simply growing in circles. Whether you perceive the circle as good or bad, it’s still circular growth.

If you are comfortable with that, that’s fine, but before you continue, take the time to sit with yourself and ask yourself if you are truly content to grow in circles or if maybe, just maybe you are holding yourself back out of fear.

If you are ready to spread your branches out and grow up instead of around, tell yourself you are ready. Don’t worry if you feel a little nervous and apprehensive when you say you’re ready. That’s a natural reaction after so many years of holding yourself back.

As you release yourself from fear, you will begin to see big changes in yourself and you will begin to feel and re-remember what it feels like to be free once again. You will have begun to reconnect with your inner-self and there is no better feeling.

So reach up and embrace all life has to offer.

‘Til next time if you liked this, please social share it. Together we can help create a global mind shift.


Any judgement of another is a judgement of yourself.


Let the grandest version of you become your reality.